Co-investment Community

Flashpoint invites you to join an invitation-only co-invest community where you will be able to:

✓See live and upcoming co-investment opportunities amongst Flashpoint’s best portfolio companies

✓Participate in live chat sessions with Flashpoint partners

✓ Ask questions and see questions of other investors

✓Get access to the data room and deal docs

✓Subscribe to invest in transactions that interest you

By joining our community you agree to be bound by Flashpoint’s standard non-disclosure terms & conditions found here.

Our Approach to Co-Investing

Transactions type

  • Proprietary situations proactively created by Flashpoint 
  • Top-performing existing portfolio companies
  • No asymmetry of information considering Flashpoint’s long-standing ownership
  • The benefit of broader Flashpoint rights in the company

Portfolio approach

  • Offering across Flashpoint funds and equity / debt products
  • Opportunity to double-down on successful companies or diversify across Flashpoint funds
  • Ability to plan deployment across co-investments 12 months ahead
  • Insider understanding and visibility of exit

Investment process

  • Full transparency in investment analysis and wider access to information
  • Ability to rely on “collective” diligence / Q&A of all co-investors
  • Legal / onboarding tailored for smaller check-size investing